Embracing Fear as a Catalyst for Personal Development

Understand the Role of Fear in Personal Growth. Fear can hold us back from reaching our full potential, but it can also be a catalyst for personal growth. In this video, we’ll explore the role of fear in personal growth and share tips on how to overcome and use...

Quit Your Compulsive Habits!

Are you struggling with compulsive habits that just don’t seem to work? It’s time to learn how to quit and break free from destructive patterns for good. Want to talk? Find me...

Overcoming Rejection: How to Reframe Your Feelings

In this video, we’re going to talk about how you can reframe your feelings around rejection. And I do mean, quite literally, “reframe”. For those of you familiar with NLP, this will probably already make sense. If you aren’t, watch on:...

Burnout Recovery: Reclaim Your Life (Short E)

Would you like to know how to recover from burnout? If you’re feeling exhausted, anxious or overwhelmed, this is an extract from a video I made offering lots of tips to help you reclaim your life and regain balance and happiness. Don’t let burnout and...

Tips how to select a therapist

Are you looking for a therapist but don’t know how to choose? Rather than just taking potluck, have a look at my main video; it will give you a checklist of criteria to choose from! Here’s my main video: In this video, I share what I’ve learned over...