Need to get more done in less time?
Beat procrastination today.
Our personal effectiveness comes down to the ways that we organise and balance our life according to our highest priorities, maintaining our focus on the end goal and setting aside distractions that come between us and it. But you probably already know this. Consciously, you want to achieve more and might even know how to get more done. But to see results, your actions need to match what your subconscious mind thinks is doable and in your best interests. If there’s a mismatch, it will get in the way to protect you.
Procrastination offers a safe refuge. A comfortable delusion, it represents a human need for protection, perhaps avoiding potential disapproval from others or disappointing ourselves and our fragile self-esteem. It shows up within us as a draining of energy, but in reality, the subconscious is hard at work doing what it does best: protecting us from potential hurt. No matter how much our willpower might contest, a deeper part of us feels it must protect us from a particular pain that resonates within us. The inner mind holds a powerful grip on our emotions, so it engineers its success and bypasses the neocortex. We sub-consciously lower our energy and our presumptuous brain, intent on defending its conscious primacy, finds a way to rationalise that lack of energy. Or it simply distracts us.
If you want to explore how hypnotherapy can help, get in touch.
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The information on this website should not be considered medical advice and is not intended to replace a consultation with a medical practitioner. If you have any doubts or concerns about your health, you should seek advice from a medical doctor. Hypnotherapists are not physicians, and hypnotherapy does not provide the practice of medicine or psychotherapy. Do not rely on any information on this website in place of seeking professional medical advice.