Becoming you: the royal road to romantic love

Blog Becoming you Religion may be the opium of the masses, but romantic love might just be the greatest adventure there is. The rollercoaster of life seems to run on the rails of romance. The highs, the lows…how to attract that perfect someone, how to feel alive but...

Conquer procrastination with higher purpose

Blog Procrastination Would you like to procrastinate less?  Probably.  Most people seem to, and yet it continues.  Our personal effectiveness comes down to the ways that we organise and balance our life according to our highest priorities, maintaining our focus on the...

Letting go, the greatest act of self control

Blog Letting go Peace reveals its eternal beauty in letting go.  Letting go of expectations, of the need to please, to impress, to control the future or to somehow alter the past.  Letting go is to lift off the armour of life, let it drop to the floor with a loud...

Paths to change

Blog Paths to change When are we truly ready to change?  How do we make lasting change in our lives?    Disinvesting from the past   Often our focus and investment remain in the past, our energy tied up in resentments.  ‘No wonder I’m x; look at what happened to me.’ ...

This is the day

Blog This is the day. “This is the day…”, announces Graham Dashwood with a light and confident breeze as he takes his first step towards India and the Marigold Hotel, a decision he has been waiting a lifetime to allow himself.    I watch it over and over, called...